The Debra Dunkin show is a well known talk show located in Houston Texas. The topic of the show was celebrity lookalikes and Laura was flown in to appear.
Debra Dunkin took Laura out to a famous restaurant called "La Grilla" where celebs frequent to see if they thought she
was the real deal. Debra Dunkin conducted her interview
with Laura asking her how it feels to be a celeb lookalike and asked two ladies sitting at a nearby table who they thought she was. They responded "Mariah Carey" and actually purchased two magazines at the store next store as they sighted Laura as "Mariah" enter "La Grilla"
and thought that she was the real deal.The owner of the restaurant even asked Debra if "Mariah" (Laura) would sing at his birthday since he thought Debra was interviewing Mariah.Everyone was then informed that it was a taping for the Debra Dunkin show on celeb lookalikes and people could not believe it,but they all had fun and were invited to the show where laura took pics with them.The other lookalikes included Diana Ross,Liza Manelli and Pamela Anderson