It was Nicoles commuinion and for months her parents wanted to do something special for her and her guests. As Nicole loves Mariah Carey, her mother thought to look on the internet for a look-alike, the plan was set. Laura was contacted and for the longest time Laura and Nicoles parents planned out this special visit for Nicole. Nicoles mother told Laura that her favorite song was "Never Too Far" off the Glitter C/D. Laura had never done that song but was not going to dissapoint one of Mariahs biggest fans so she practiced it just so Nicole could have it at her party.
As Laura entered the banquet facility she was hidden until just the right moment and as Mariahs song" Never Too Far" started to play she came into the room and Nicoles face lit up with a huge smile. She then did a few of Mariahs newer hits such as "We Belong Together", and "Its Like That", also "Emotions" :was a big hit with all the parents.
It all truly was a gift given with love from both Nicoles parents and loved ones. We hope we made it special and maybe we shall see you again sometime soon!!!